Get rent back today if you are a tenant

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No win no fee

Tenants – get rent back today 

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No win no fee

Does your landlord have a licence?

In 2016 new laws were passed requiring landlords of certain multiple occupancy properties (see below) to have a licence.

A Rent Repayment Order (RRO) can be made against unlicensed landlords.

We want to help you obtain some of your rent back (up to a maximum of one year’s rent). 

In particular, if you answer any of the questions below as a “yes” give us a call on 0203 0720055 or contact using the form below:

1. Do you live in a house which has five or more unrelated people and which does not have a licence? (Especially if in London or the South East of England).

2. Is the property one where the landlord has been prosecuted under the Housing Act 2004 by the Local Authority?

3. Is the property in an area with selective or additional licencing and one whereby your landlord has not got a licence?

Latest successes

Ms DE of South East London received back 50% of the rent she paid. A case was brought against her landlord who had overfilled the property and treated her with total contempt. Ms DE says “Thank you very much” as we helped her secure her rights due to living in an unlicensed house

Who we are

Rent Repayment Guru is the brainchild of Julian Hunt, a barrister, who is well known for his pioneering work in the field of Houses in Multiple Occupation. He will, along with his team, assist you in obtaining back the rents that you have paid out.

Julian has also written a book on Houses in Multiple Occupation. Please click the link below to access the book.

Who we are

Rent Repayment Guru is the brainchild of Julian Hunt, a barrister, who is well known for his pioneering work in the field of Houses in Multiple Occupation. He will, along with his team, assist you in obtaining back the rents that you have paid out.

Julian has also written a book on Houses in Multiple Occupation. Please click the link below to access the book.

What does it cost?

Any case that is taken on by Rent Repayment Guru is undertaken on a no win no fee basis. Rent Repayment Guru will pay any legal fees necessary to issue your claim and prepare all the paperwork in your matter. We undertake all work including enforcement of any Court Order. We take a percentage of the final amount received for our work with you receiving the rest of the monies. You simply use us if we decide that your case is worth us investing in, keep in contact with us and attend any hearing (if there is one) and co-operate with us when we need documents and so on. We work with you to obtain the rent money you have expended back.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Rent Repayment Order?

A Rent Repayment order forces a landlord to refund up to 12 months’ rent.

RROs are awarded if:

  • The property you are renting doesn’t have a license
  • The landlord has not complied with a council notice
  • The tenant has been harassed or evicted without the correct court paperwork

Why do Rent Repayment Orders exist?

Many landlords break the law. RROs

  • Compensate tenants
  • Punish the landlord 
  • Deter the landlord from further breaches
  • Compensate tenants 


More reviews of Julian Hunt

Rambos Har
Rambos Har
Julian and his team are extremely professional, Julian is an experienced council tax barrister; he will do his upmost to support you from first contact and during an extremely difficult and confusing VTS process. You cannot do this without his legal representation, we had two complexed appeals with over 400 documented exhibits. During our tribunal hearing the Enfield Council representative attempted to ridicule the loss of a family member and Julian’s profession; the Judge did nothing to reprehend him for his personal attacks. Nonetheless; Julian was calm, professional and continued to state our case, which resulted in us winning both of our appeals. There are not enough words to express our gratitude for his support and professionalism, he is highly recommended.
Aisha Magrey
Aisha Magrey
Julian is a highly knowledgable Barrister and it was an absolute pleasure having him defend me in court for a speeding offence in which I had nominated another driver as the driver at the time of the offence. Julian highlighted that this was a rare case, and the prosecution were suggesting that the details I had given of the nominated driver were false; this could have consequently resulted in a prison sentence if I was found guilty. Without his involvement I’m pretty certain I would have faced a different outcome. He delivered my defence in court in such a eloquent manner and I was found not guilty on the day. I strongly believe having a barrister represent me on the day was fundamental in receiving the not guilty verdict.
Faisal Aiman
Faisal Aiman
Julian Hunt has represented me on 2 occasions - one, for a speeding offence and two, a no insurance matter. On both occasions he has delivered results way beyond expectations and been a fantastic support throughout what has been a very stressful experience. For the speeding offence, I was caught travelling grossly over the speed limit which should have resulted in a driving ban. Julian eloquently delivered my defence in court which allowed me to keep my licence and incur points and a fine instead. For the no insurance case, I was completely insured and Julian really believed we had a strong case when he took my case on from another barrister who was not confident that I had a case. Julian diligently produced an impressive 74 page defence case statement which led to the prosecution dropping the case on the morning of the trial. I couldn’t have asked for a better result. If you ever need a direct access barrister to defend a road traffic matter, I highly recommend Julian to all. Reasonable fees, highly knowledgeable in road traffic law and a genuine pleasure to deal with!
N k Mann
N k Mann
Very happy with the service, would 100% recommend Julian Many Thanks Sunny
Pamella Sielemann
Pamella Sielemann
Excellent barrister and professional. Helped out my father in a drink driving case, and got him acquitted. We were a bit reluctant when getting various other lawyer advice in the beginning, but when I found Julian’s contact he put us at ease and the victory came in the end! Super recommend!!
Michal Jakim
Michal Jakim
I was searching for a legal team/advice for a no insurance case, all the advice I got was that I was most likely going to lose my license and that paying for a legal team would be a waste of money. I was facing losing my license due to no 3rd party insurance which covered food deliveries, which I could have got 6-8 points for and a fine, as a new driver (under 2 years of driving) my license would have been revoked.I then found Julian Hunt, I explained exactly what happened and he took on the case and helped me fight it. I was found not guilty and got to keep my license with no points or a fine, which was the best possible outcome. He did a great job and stayed positive the whole time. I would definitely recommend. Was always easy to contact and quick with getting back to me.
Senior Tradesmen
Senior Tradesmen
I was in danger of losing my licence, Julian Hunt came to the rescue. He triumphed in court above my expectations. Very caring and considerate. Regards, Lawrence
Nick White
Nick White
I instructed Mr Hunt last year on behalf of one of my clients, and neither my client nor I could be more happy with the service he provided. Professional and courteous at all times, he achieved a positive outcome for my client, who was very appreciative of his considerate manner towards her and his tenacious approach to the matter in hand. We would recommend him wholeheartedly.
J (J)
J (J)
I found Julian online, After I have read all the reviews I feel I should call him, I was nervous on whether I should choose him as a berister because of my 12 points.... After I met Julian I was very impressed with his confidence and his knowledge on road traffic laws. My story was that I drove my friend's van for moving my furniture, I was fully insured with my personal car but apparently the police stopped me and gave me 12 points without insurance and handheld mobile. After I met Julian we found the police wrongfully gave me 6 points without insurance. Then he starghight told me these points ARE soon definitely removed, on the day of court. Julian faught in court and court removed my 6 points and gave me a very basic fine. I got the other 6 points while I was using Google maps unfortunately. I am very pleased with Julian for supporting me. I can drive my car, Julian is very helpful person, I will difinattly recommend him and he deserves a 5 star.